- Company – To create multiple companies in a single Software
- Unit - To create multiple Unit like Delhi, Noida etc for each companies
- Department - To create multiple departments existing in the organization
- Category - To create multiple categories within the organization
- Shift - To create multiple Shift the employees work in the organization
- Employee - The main master used for employee database creation
- Holiday - To create the holidays for the organization
- Attendance Entry – To enter punches manually in the software
- Shift Change - To change the Shift of the employees
- OS-OT Change - To change the Over Stay to Overtime for the Non OT Employees
- Leave Master – To create the master of the Leaves
- Balance Leave Entry - To enter the Opening Balance of Leaves for the employees
- Leave Voucher - To enter the Leaves for the employees
To create COMPANY POLICY and assigning and modifying User Rights.
- To view Attendance and Leave by the Employees
- Manager / Superior can approve or reject Leaves online
DAILY REPORTS available for Late Arrival, Absenteeism, Attendance, Department Summary, Early Arrival, Shift Wise Presence, Machine Raw Punch, Manual Punch Audit, Daily Performance, Early Departure, Time Loss, Over Time, Over Time Summary, Shift Change Statement, Out Work, Missing & Re-Verification, Continuous Late Arrival, Continuous Early Departure, Continuous Absenteeism, Attendance Details and Attendance Summary.
MONTHLY REPORTS available for Performance Register, Late Arrival Register, Early Departure Register, Absenteeism Register, Over Time Register, Over Stay Register, Shift Schedule, Employee Wise Performance, Employee Wise Attendance, Department Wise Attendance, Shift Wise Attendance, Over Time Summary, Date Wise Presence, Muster Roll, Form No. 12, Form No. 25, %Age Attn. Employee Wise, %Age Attn. Dept Wise, Time Loss & Overstay, Late and Over Stay.
LEAVE REPORTS for Sanctioned Leave, Leave Card, Accrued Leave, Consumed Leave, Balance Leave, Leave Register.
Feature for LIVE MONITORING available in the software
- Can be integrated to Card / Fingerprint / Facial Readers of different makes and Models.
- Integration to different Access Controllers available.
- Output for HRMS/ Payroll available.
- Customization available.